A Throwback: Is Motivation a Requirement for Action?

A Throwback: Is Motivation a Requirement for Action?

People often use low motivation as a reason to explain why they aren’t able to accomplish certain goals. In this throwback episode, Dr. Nicole talks about whether motivation is required for action and the theory that it may be the other way around. Follow the...
A Throwback: Is Motivation a Requirement for Action?

Why Can’t Black Kids Just Be Kids?

There is being a child, and there is being a Black child. In today’s episode, Dr. Nicole breaks down the history behind why black kids aren’t allowed to just be kids, how Adultification Bias plays a part and how it all impacts their mental health. Dr....
A Throwback: Is Motivation a Requirement for Action?

What is the Soft Life & Should Black Women Be Living It?

On this week’s episode, Dr. Nicole discusses what the “Soft Life” is and if Black Women should be living it.  Dr. Nicole breaks down how the term “Soft Life” started, the common misconceptions and how it can be beneficial to your mental health. Follow the podcast...
A Throwback: Is Motivation a Requirement for Action?

Social Media and Self Diagnosis

On this week’s episode, Dr. Nicole discusses social media and self diagnosis. In a world where social media and personal experiences are widely available, more and more people are turning to social media to diagnose themselves. Dr. Nicole breaks down when it’s okay to...
Loving The Skin I’m In with Dr. Candrice Heath

Loving The Skin I’m In with Dr. Candrice Heath

On this week’s episode, Dr. Candrice Heath joins The Black Woman’s Confidant to discuss  importance of having a black dermatologist, adult acne, hair loss and pursing your dreams. Dr. Candrice R. Heath is a highly respected triple board-certified dermatologist who is...